Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography
Shooting CG Photography - Christian Gafenesch - Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography


Pantheon in the eye of a Finnish

Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography

Panthéon, Paris 5e Arr. 

Time is running

Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography

Musée d’Orsay, Paris 7e Arr. 


Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography

Pyramide du Louvre, Paris 1er Arr. 


Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography

Métro Pyramides, Paris 1er Arr.


Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography

Métro Pyramides, Paris 1er Arr.

Only the music is at the height of the sea

Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography

Jardin d’Erevan, Paris 8e Arr.

Epistolary relationship

Photographe artistique - Alsace, France - Shooting, Portraits, Street Photography

Jardin des Tuileries, Paris 1er Arr.

Christian, Gafenesch, Christian Gafenesch, Photographe, Photographes, Alsace, Photographe Alsace, Photographes Alsace, Photo, Photos, Photographie, Photographies, Image, Images, Art, Arts, Artistique, Artistiques, Culture, Cultures, Culturel, Culturels, Shooting, Studio, Studios, Modèle, Modèles, Top, Tops, Plan, Plans, Portrait, Portraits, Regard, Regards, Oeil, Yeux, Peau, Peaux, Charme, Sensuel, Sensuels, Lingerie, Lingeries, Nu, Nus, Nue, Nues, Paysage, Paysages, Urbain, Urbains, Urbaine, Urbaines, Ville, Villes, Immeuble, Immeubles, Infrastructure, Infrastructures, Pont, Ponts, Rue, Rues, Ruelle, Ruelles, Chemin, Chemins, Nature, Forêt, Forêts, Arbre, Arbres, Nature, Natures, Nature morte, Natures mortes, Appareil, Appareils, Flash, Flashs, Panasonic, Lumix, GX9, Cellule, Cellules, Format, Formats, Argentique, Argentiques, Reflex, Reflexs, Hybride, Hybrides, Objectif, Objectifs, Leïca, Lentille, Lentilles, Vitesse, Ouverture, ISO, Automatique, Manuel, Manuelle, Mise au point, Mises au point, Autofocus, Flou, Flous, Net, Nets, Profondeur, Profondeurs, Champ, Champs, Lumière, Lumières, Ombre, Ombres, Noir, Noirs, Blanc, Blancs, Noir et blanc, Noirs et blancs, Monochrome, Monochrome, Couleur, Couleurs, Diffuseur, Diffuseurs, Eclairage, Eclairages, Lampe, Lampes, Ampoule, Ampoules, Fond, Fonds, Traiter, Traitement, Traitements, Développer, Développement, Développements, Retouche, Retouches, Photoshop, Lightroom, Pixelmator, gomme, gommes, pinceau, pinceaux, peindre, jpg, jpeg, heic, raw, psd, gif, png, composition, compositions, focus, contraste, contrastes, densité, densités, calque, calques, fusion, fusions, filtre, filtres, effet, effets, détourer, détourage, détourages, premier plan, premiers plans, arrière, arrières, devant devants, arrière plan, arrières plans, dégradé, dégradés, Portfolio, Portfolios, émotion, émotions, sens, sentiment, sentiments, contre-jour, Photographer, Photographers, Alsace, Photographer Alsace, Photographers Alsace, Photo, Photos, Photography, Photographs, Image, Images, Art, Arts, Artistic, Artistic, Culture, Cultures, Cultural, Cultural, Shooting, Studio , Studios, Model, Models, Top, Tops, Plan, Plans, Portrait, Portraits, Look, Looks, Eye, Eyes, Skin, Skins, Charm, Sensual, Sensual, Lingerie, Lingerie, Naked, Naked, Naked, Naked, Landscape , Landscapes, Urban, Urban, Urban, Urban, City, Cities, Building, Buildings, Infrastructure, Infrastructures, Bridge, Bridges, Street, Streets, Alley, Alleys, Path, Paths, Nature, Forest, Forests, Tree, Trees, Nature , Still lifes, Still lifes, Device, Devices, Flash, Flashes, Panasonic, Lumix, GX9, Cell, Cells, Format, Formats, Film, Film, Reflex, Reflexs, Hybrid, Hybrids, Lens, Lenses, Leïca, Lens , Lenses, Speed, Aperture, ISO, Auto, Manual, Manual, Focus, Focus s in focus, Autofocus, Blur, Blurs, Net, Nets, Depth, Depths, Field, Fields, Light, Lights, Shade, Shadows, Black, Blacks, White, Whites, Black and white, Blacks and whites, Monochrome, Monochrome, Color, Colors, Diffuser, Diffusers, Lighting, Lightings, Lamp, Lamps, Bulb, Bulbs, Background, Funds, Treat, Processing, Treatments, Develop, Development, Developments, Retouching, Retouching, Photoshop, Lightroom, Pixelmator, eraser, erasers, brush, brushes, paint, jpg, jpeg, heic, raw, psd, gif, png, composition, compositions, focus, contrast, contrasts, density, densities, layer, layers, blend, blends, filter, filters, effect, effects, clipping, clipping, clippings, foreground, foregrounds, back, backs, front fronts, background, backgrounds, gradient, gradients, Portfolio, Portfolios, emotion, emotions, sense, feeling, feelings, backlight, Fotograf, Fotografen, Elsass, Fotograf Elsass, Fotografen Elsass, Foto, Fotos, Fotografie, Fotografien, Bild, Bilder, Kunst, Kunst, Künstlerisch, Künstlerisch, Kultur, Kulturen, Kulturell, Kulturell, Schießen, Studio , Studios, Model, Models, Top, Tops, Plan, Pläne, Portrait, Portraits, Look, Aussehen, Auge, Augen, Haut, Skins, Charme, Sinnlich, Sinnlich, Unterwäsche, Unterwäsche, Nackt, Nackt, Nackt, Nackt, Landschaft , Landschaften, Städtisch, Städtisch, Städtisch, Städtisch, Stadt, Städte, Gebäude, Gebäude, Infrastruktur, Infrastrukturen, Brücke, Brücken, Straße, Straßen, Gasse, Gassen, Pfad, Pfade, Natur, Wald, Wälder, Baum, Bäume, Natur , Stilleben, Stilleben, Gerät, Geräte, Blitz, Blitze, Panasonic, Lumix, GX9, Zelle, Zellen, Format, Formate, Film, Film, Reflex, Reflexe, Hybrid, Hybride, Objektiv, Objektive, Leïca, Objektiv , Objektive , Geschwindigkeit, Blende, ISO, Auto, Manuell, Manuell, Fokus, Fokus s im Fokus, Autofokus, Unschärfe, Unschärfen, Netz, Netze, Tiefe, Tiefen, Feld, Felder, Licht, Lichter, Schatten, Schatten, Schwarz, Schwarz, Weiß, Weiß, Schwarz und Weiß, Schwarz und Weiß, Monochrom, Monochrom, Farbe, Farben, Diffusor, Diffusoren, Beleuchtung, Beleuchtung, Lampe, Lampen, Glühbirne, Glühbirnen, Hintergrund, Geldmittel, Behandeln, Verarbeitung, Behandlungen, Entwickeln, Entwicklung, Entwicklungen, Retusche, Retusche, Photoshop, Lightroom, Pixelmator, Radiergummi, Radiergummis, Pinsel, Pinsel, Farbe, jpg, jpeg, heic, roh, psd, gif, png, Zusammensetzung, Zusammensetzungen, Fokus, Kontrast, Kontraste, Dichte, Dichten, Schicht, Schichten, Mischung, Mischungen, Filter, Filter, Effekt, Effekte, Ausschnitt, Ausschnitt, Ausschnitte, Vordergrund, Vordergründe, Rückseite, Rückseiten, Vorderseiten, Hintergrund, Hintergründe, Farbverlauf, Farbverläufe, Portfolio, Portfolios, Emotion, Emotionen, Sinn, Gefühl, Gefühle, Hintergrundbeleuchtung